The fire danger level will be “high” (yellow) in the Wild and Scenic section of the Rogue River between Grave Creek and Marial starting 12:01 a.m. Thursday, June 30. The Wild and Scenic section of the river between Grave Creek and Marial is managed by the Bureau of Land Management and protected from fire by the Oregon Department of Forestry’s Southwest Oregon District.
The following fire prevention restrictions take effect Thursday:
- Smoking will be prohibited while traveling, except in boats on the water, and on sand or gravel bars that lie between water and high water marks that are free of vegetation.
- All travelers will be required to carry one shovel and a one-gallon or larger bucket.
- The use of fireworks will be prohibited.
- Campfires, including cooking fires and warming fires,will be prohibited. However, charcoal fires for cooking and built in raised fire pans will be allowed on sand or gravel bars that lie between water and high water marks that are free of vegetation. Ashes must be hauled out. Portable cooking stoves using liquefied or bottled fuels may also be used.
For further information about fire restrictions in the Wild and Scenic Section of the Rogue River between Grave Creek and Marial, contact:
- The Oregon Department of Forestry, Grants Pass Unit, (541) 474-3152;
- The Smullin Visitor Center located at the Rand National Historic Site at (541) 479-3735.