The fire line around the 530-acre Cleveland Ridge Fire held today and firefighters turned to the task of mopping up remaining hot spots. The night shift crews will work toward completely extinguishing anything still burning within 100 feet of the fire line.
The fire is 50 percent contained.
More than 200 firefighters are working on the fire tonight. They have been counseled to watch for falling trees and rolling rocks, along with less-obvious hazards such as rattlesnakes, yellowjacket wasp nests and poison oak.
The fire began Monday afternoon below Cleveland Ridge, located on private and Bureau of Land Management forestland 5 miles north/northwest of Shady Cove.
TouVelle State Park in Central Point is closed to the public as the park is being used as the fire camp. Please avoid the area in order to allow fire traffic the accessibility they need to the entrance/exit points.