Landowner Assistance

Oregon Department of Forestry landowner assistance programs are designed to improve the overall health of our forests by allowing private landowners to recover some of the cost associated with the removal flammable vegetation on their ownership. Our ability to help offset the cost of fuels reductions on private lands changes on a semi-annual basis and depends on several factors, including the location of a property relative to past fires, the type and status of forestland on a property in question, and the availability of grant funding in a particular year.

If your land is not eligible for grant funding, but you are still interested in improving the wildfire resiliency of your land, our team of professional foresters may be willing to offer free consulting services to help you meet your fuel reduction goals.

Questions about fuel reductions on private lands in Josephine County should be directed to the Grants Pass Unit Office, 541-474-3152. Questions about fuel reductions in Jackson County, contact the Medford Unit Office, 541-664-3328.